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Mask Mandate in Public Transportation
The Center of Disease Control (CDC) issued an order that mandated the use of face masks for transportation. This mandate started in the month of January 2020. It includes buses, trains, airplanes and transportation hubs.
Mask Mandate in Public Transportation
Published: 10/14/2021

The Center of Disease Control (CDC) issued an order that mandated the use of face masks for transportation. This mandate started in the month of January 2020. It includes buses, trains, airplanes and transportation hubs.
Masks are necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. In public transportation, social distancing is a challenge. Especially during peak times of travel.
The nation started to roll out the vaccinations during the spring and summer. Even with this, the mask mandate continued. With the amount of travelers that public transportation has daily, social distancing is not possible. The mask mandate helps riders feel safe while they travel; while enforcing rules to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
The mask mandate extends through January 18, 2022. This is due to the COVID-19 delta variant. Also, we have the increase in ridership as workers return to the office. Slowly, we are returning to a new normal in our daily life.
Fines have doubled for those people who don't uphold to the mask mandate. This is done to avoid more COVID-19 outbreaks. By not using mask while on public transportation, we are risking others.
Also, public transportation companies want their customers to feel safe and stay healthy. As ridership increases, it's more important than ever to follow these rules.
Redmon is adding Transit Displays to several stations throughout the Washington DC area; to keep riders informed of the latest news, and schedules. By providing information through our transit displays, we hope to be contributing to the mask mandate; by keeping riders informed.
Public TransitTransit Ridership
Mask Mandate
Transit Display/Digital Signage
Accessibility Commuter Rail
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