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Transit Ridership Boosted by Gas Prices
As gas prices increased, different transit systems in the nation are reporting a boost of transit ridership. Commuters are finding alternative ways of commute in order to save money; and/or taking advantage of their commuter benefits if their employers offer it.
Transit Ridership Boosted by Gas Prices
Published: 04/20/2022

As gas prices increased, different transit systems in the nation are reporting a boost of transit ridership. Commuters are finding alternative ways of commute in order to save money; and/or taking advantage of their commuter benefits if their employers offer it. This is impacting public transit in a positive way; as in the past 2 years ridership was low due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Between the first week of March, WMATA reported a 4% increase in ridership for their metrorail system. Other systems such as the NYC system, San Francisco Bay and other transit agencies have reported an increase as well during those dates.
Studies that relate gas prices with increased transit ridership
A study in 2011 found that every 10% of increase in gas prices would boost public transit as well. Also, it states that every 10% increase in gas prices would increase 4% of bus, and 8% of rail.
This study reflects closely what we are seeing now, with gas prices and increased transit ridership. People compare the gas prices, with using public transportation in terms of how to save money. For many the best option to use public transit, in order to save money, time, and if they deal with heavy traffic, it can also save them from stressing out during their commute.
Also, another study states that "for every dollar saved from lower gas prices at the pump, households decreased their spending on transit by some 14 cent." This study was conducted by JP Morgan Chase in 2016.
Some transit companies are even offering discounts to entice riders to use public transportation. The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority is offering $1 bus rides for a limited time. Chicago has been offering gas and public transit cards to low-income residents. The Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority is offering free bus service through June 30. Public transit is doing their part in getting more people to save on commuting costs by enticing them to take public transit.
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