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Infrastructure Deal and Public Transit
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is a large investment in the nation's infrastructure. This deal intends to rebuild the nation's roads, bridges and rails. Also, expand access to clean water, high speed internet, tackle the climate crisis.
Infrastructure Deal and Public Transit
Published: 02/18/2022

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is a large investment in the nation's infrastructure. This deal intends to rebuild the nation's roads, bridges and rails. Also, expand access to clean water, high speed internet, tackle the climate crisis. Another intention is invest in lower-class communities that need it the most.
This infrastructure deal is the largest investment for public transit in the US history. This can positively impact us all, by rebuilding, expanding our resources, improvement to roads, bridges and other infrastructure. In addition, a bonus is that this is keeping in mind climate change; in order to lessen the burden on the planet.
With this deal, several contracts for modernization, safety and improved accessibility of transit can allow an increase in jobs. Also, it comes at a time where transportation needs increase as more people are returning to work outside the home.
This legislation will allow funds for improving safety, accessibility in public transit stations and vehicles. In addition to modernizing transit systems, and try to contribute to less pollution by creating/upgrading low emissions vehicles.
Safety has always been a top priority issue. Moreover, it goes beyond safety in preventing accidents, or safety within the bus. In addition, now the safety of COVID-19 measures are a new layer added to safety concerns. As safety measures strengthen, public transit riders increase.
Many public transits have implemented great accommodations for users with disabilities. But there is always room for improvement in this area. This deal can allow for this to happen; with upgrades to public transit systems.
With COVID-19 directly impacting public transit, many transit corporations plan to modernize their systems to entice riders to use public transit more frequently. With the issue of safety also properly addressed, riders will feel more confident in using public transit.
Environmental Impact
With 85% of greenhouse emissions sourced from public transit, this is a top priority for transit companies to step up and find better solutions. With modernizing public transit vehicles, hopefully this negative impact can be lessened. Many public transit companies have pledged to go green and are moving towards zero-emissions transit.
Public TransitTransit Ridership
Mask Mandate
Transit Display/Digital Signage
Accessibility Commuter Rail
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